The Story "Hi! My name is Sparkles! Sarah first discovered me when her computer screen started getting all lumpy, and she was so mad, she gave me a home on her webpage! I've been happy ever since and wanted to introduce the rest of my loving family, so we could all live happily." "After a particularly long, trying day of web creating, Sarah finally relented and decided to give us gophers our own plot of land right here in Little Forest! The change came about when at her old webpage one of her visiters 'casually' mentioned that we looked nothing like real gophers and was very angry about it. Sarah stood up for all of our silly looks and ungopher-likenesses, and moved us to a safer neighborhood, where she felt we'd be treated with more respect." "Now we've been moved in completely and are enjoying our little cottage immensely. Sarah still allows people to adopt us and take us home to their webpages, but she tends to get a bit defensive when someone criticizes us. Well, I think I've talked enough about how we came to Little Forest, so I'll go inside now...feel free to meet my family! Sapphire adores company and the children like to make new friends! If you feel up to it, why not take some of us home and give us a place to stay on your website? Just please remember where credit is due, ok?" THE UPDATER: Check back for stories and recent developments in our little lives! --Sept. 8, '01--"Sarah just informed me this morning that our family home, which really is bigger than we need, is going to be taking in gopher refugees from around the globe! Sure enough, ten new gophers appeared on our front doorstep after lunch today. She says they're only here temporarily, until she can find each one a good home, but I'd like to think that we'll be keeping them around for a long time, since they're all so sweet. You can meet them by clicking on the link below!" NOTE from Sarah: These gophers were originally created waaaaaay back when I was in middle school. I feel old...*L* There was a point in time when my computer crashed and I lost many of the gophers, including the babies and some of my templates. What you are about to see is what is left after a computer has a meltdown. Please provide a link back if you decide to continue with your adoptions. Thankies! Enter the Gradient Gopher Tunnel System
© Sarah Shotwell 1994-2003 |