I was going for a Greek prom look...riiiight...;)

Chunkee base from Josie's Dollz.  And my very first doll...

KevinDerek, twin to DinaDina, twin to DerekKhalilaAdelaide, or Addie

These five are original creations and my very first attempt at some bigger outfits.  It's much easier to work on smaller things...but I think I got the details...mostly good.  I had a story offline written about them, but the story has sadly been lost over the years.

This is Nerina Corin, the main character of my online book.  I created a version of her with green eyes for my main page.

ooooh...denim...sort of...this was one of my firsts...:Perm...I have trouble with skirts. And the shoes don't really match.This is my best effort.  Like everything about this doll! Except...maybe the skirt.

Aurra Sing!  Bounty hunter from Star Wars, Episode 1!

The base doll is from The House of K'Vitlyr.

This is Audra.  "Hi, Audra..."

Girlie base from Josie's Dollz.

Colleen Potter, the "Fiendtracker"

New RPG character, Colleen Potter.  She's a bounty hunter...obviously...on the 'innocent' end of the spectrum, or so she appears.

Sonya/Sorcha  Ryan/Riain  Patrick/Pádraig  Erik/Earnán  Lucah/Líadán

The five members of the SKYLARK team, an interactive rpg I was planning to run on my website this year.  Unfortunately, I lost most of the html files, and decided to give up the idea in favor of focusing on work and school.  These five are still here though...so enjoy!


Ginger-Ale Base

My very first base!!!

I call it the "ginger-ale base", and will be coming out with more in different poses soon.

If you use this base or put any of my dollz on your website, please provide a link back!

You can use either a text link or my button:

Please save this to your own server and link it back to http://www.redbird.net/sarahs

Please link it back to http://www.redbird.net/sarahs





© Sarah Shotwell, 2000-2004.