Windows 3.1 communications setup


 The communications drivers that come with windows3.1 are not good enough for high speed internet access and need to be replaced. Obtain a copy of the file and use the following instructions to load it onto your system.

  1. Unzip file file into the \windows\system subdirectory.
  2. edit the \windows\system.ini file replacing the word comm.drv with cybercom.drv. Then look for the [386ENH] section and add COM1FIFO=1 after it. This is assuming you are using com1 to talk to your modem. If you are using a different comport, replace the 1 after COM with the comport number you are using.
  3. Exit and restart windows.

Windows 3.1 does not come with software to connect to the internet. A shareware program called Trumpet can be used to make the internet connection. Use the following instructions to load it onto your syetem.

  1. Insert the disk with Trumpet on it into your floppy drive.
  2. Click on the File menu
  3. Click on run
  4. type in a:trumpet and click ok
  5. Once trumpet is installed click on the trumpet icon
  6. click on setup
  7. check ppp
  8. check hardware handshake
  9. select your serial port
  10. type in your baudrate (38400 for 28.8 and 33.6 modems) (19200 for 14.4 modems)
  11. change the TCPMSS value from 1460 to 930
  12. click ok
  13. click on the file menu
  14. click on PPP setup
  15. click on the PAP check box
  16. enter your username and password
  17. click on ok
  18. exit trumpet

You will nee a simple script file to dial up the server. One is available here. Depending on what type of modem you are running, you may need to change the modemsetup string.

To use Trumpet do the following:

  1. double click the Trumpet icon
  2. click on connection
  3. click on startup
  4. wait for it to say accepted
  5. minimize the window and your ready to surf! 

To shut down your connection do the following:

  1. double click the Trumpet icon on your windows desktop (the one that is already running, not the one in the window.
  2. click on connection
  3. click on stop
  4. wait for your modem to disconenct and it says accepted.
  5. exit trumpet and your done.